
11 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Professional Pet Photographer

11 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Professional Pet Photographer

Why use a Photographer for Pet Photography?

If you have a pet then you will know its not just an animal, its part of the family and often a VIP of the family. Dogs and cats in particular are favourite family pets and the fun moments they bring to our lives make us want to capture them to share.

Candid moments with our smartphones are a great way to save these special moments with out family pet but is the quality good enough to print and keep as a memento of that special animal in our lives?

In this blog we look at 11 reasons why you should hire a professional photographer. At JMC-Photography we know how to capture these moments. As animal lovers ourselves we take time with you and the family to achieve that perfect image.

pet photography reading

Equipment – 

As a professional photographer we have years of experience as well as heaps of professional equipment at hand. We have many props and great lighting to help get the perfect shot. By hiring a professional photographer you will save on having to buy all this equipment.

You can star in the pictures – 

By using a professional photographer, you get to appear with your pet in the photographs. Its up to the photographer to get the best shot with you all featured in the picture. Gone are those self-timer disasters.

Horse Photography

Patience – 

As a professional, we have loads of patience. Every heard the saying “Don’t work with children or animals?” Well we do both and have done so for many years. We know it takes time and patience for that right picture to come.

The cute Kitten/Puppy stage – 

It doesn’t last forever and capturing that moment to remember in years to come can easily be done by a professional photographer. Remember those cuddles? Well capture then on film and look back on with fond memories.


Cat photography

When your loved one is gone – 

When your pet dies it is  a very sad time in your life and too late to realise that you don’t have that perfect picture. Those candid snaps turn out to be badly light or slightly out of focus and no good when printed to canvas.

Your Pet is part of the family – 

The family pet is normally the centre of the family so why not capture it at its best for all to see.  Memories of a pet in print are priceless editions to your home.


Make your Pet into Art

A picture of your pet can be edited to create an artistic picture for the walls of your home. Not all pet photography needs to be traditional poses. We look to find a great angle that can be used in a large canvas to create a modern picture.

Owners of Pet Business

If you run a business that works with pets then great photography will help you sell your services much easier. Having professional photography of pets on your website or printed literature always looks much better. Candid images just don’t sell your services as well as a professionally taken picture which is then edited to suit your needs.

Corporate pet photography

Downward Dog –

When working with dogs we find the best way to get great images is to get down with your dog. By getting down with your dog we get a softer closer more intimate image of your pet. Check out some of our up close and personal pet images.

Finding the Cute Pose –

Every animal has that cute pose that melts your heart. We take time with your pet to find the perfect one for you and then capture it for years to come. 


Location, Location, Location –

Finding the perfect location for your pet is the key to good photographs. We take time to discuss with you which environment you pet is happiest in. That can range from the sofa to their favourite meadow, you decide and we will be there.

With so many options available to you for pet photography you may wonder how you choose the right one. For us it’s an easy answer. Chose one that loves animals, like ourselves, and one that displays a good selection of pet photography for you to see. But most of all, invite them to meet your pet, and let the pet decide if they like them or not.  Afterall a good connection will bring out the best in your pet.

horse photography berkshire

JMC-Photography offer professional pet photography at a location of your choice.

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